Asbestos is a carcinogen that was used extensively in building materials prior to the 1970s. Its commonly found as duct and pipe insulation, vermiculite attic insulation, ceiling and wall acoustical tiles, cement asbestos siding, and floor tiles (and floor tile adhesives). Its more dangerous to disturb them, says the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Our technicians will conduct a home evaluation and provide you with the best options to deal with it.
Asbestos can be found in certain building materials, such as sheetrock mud, floor tiles, and the tape around the ductwork. Its generally not a problem until its time for renovation, reconstruction or demolition of the building. Even simply pulling up an old kitchen floor can expose asbestos.
At that point, its dangerous to even touch materials containing asbestos, or to risk releasing fine asbestos particles into the air and the building HVAC system.
Asbestos should only be handled and/or removed by trained professionals. The best thing to do is to leave material containing asbestos that is in good condition alone. If unsure whether or not the material contains asbestos, an asbestos certified American Renovation technician can inspect to sample and test the material for you.
Before you have your home or business remodeled, you should find out whether asbestos-containing materials are present. If you find damaged material containing asbestos (i.e., unraveling, frayed, breaking apart) you should immediately isolate the area (keep pets and children away) and refrain from disturbing the material (either by touching it or walking on it).